For a moment, let us consider your digestive system, a complicated structure that harmful mutations, assisted by random actions (“natural selection”) is supposed to have developed Of course, evolutionary processes would have had to produce it within a few days or your first ancestor would have starved to death very quickly.

Evolutionists say that, given enough time, anything can be done. But that is not true. (1) Given enough time, randomness only increases confusion. (2) In relation to living creatures, all the complicated organs had to be in place-fast!

In or near your mouth are teeth to chew food, a tongue to move it around, and seven different salivary glands to produce saliva to predigest part of that food. Any one of those items would be impossible for chance to invent. It is only their great ignorance that enables people to glibly speak about how “evolution operates by mutations and natural selection.” Anyone who takes time to study into the multitude of nerves leading to the tongue will be dumbfounded with amazement. All those nerves were needed, for you were purposely designed to be able to think in words and then speak them with your tongue.

From the mouth, the food is sent to the back of the throat where it passes through the swallowing mechanism. How may ages did it take for natural selection to figure out that you needed to swallow food without choking to death instead? Until that happened, food would all pass into the lungs instead of into the stomach!

Another little detail: Your pharynx not only contracts so you can swallow food properly, it also connects through Eustachian tubes to each ear. Without those tubes, changing air pressure would quickly destroy your hearing!

Passing down the 10-inch [25 cm] esophagus, the food arrives at your stomach. The cardiac valve guards the top end, and the pyloric valve the bottom end of your stomach. Both are ingeniously-designed sphincter muscles.

Within the stomach, the digestion begun in the mouth continues on. Signals are sent to the stomach wall, and its excretes an acid so powerful that it can digest meat! Why then does it not digest the stomach and everything inside your body? No one has ever satisfactorily explained that question. Next the stomach begins churning back and forth, mixing the contents with hydrochloric acid. All the while, the pyloric valve remains closed.

Then, something tells that valve to open, and the contents start entering the small Intestine. The upper 10-12 inches [25-30 cm] of it is called the duodenum. Within that short length of tubing, bile pours in on signal from the gall bladder. (It was oil in the food which triggered that signal.) The wall of the duodenum also signals the pancreas on the other side of the body to quickly send over some pancreatic juice. Still other types of juices come from the wall of the duodenum. All of those juices work to break up fats, proteins, sugars and starches into still smaller particles.

The food gradually moves downward through the small intestine, which is 11/z inches wide [3.8 cm] and 23 feet [7 m] long. Throughout its entire length, little fingers protrude from the walls. These are called villl. In the center of each is a lymph channel (lacteal), with blood capillaries surrounding it. Between the villi are additional intestinal juice glands. The villi absorb the nutriments and send them into the blood stream.

You could not design a more efficient way to do it if you tried, yet evolutionists say it all happened by chance. When asked how that could be, the reply is always the same: “long ages of time, long ages of time; anything can be done if given enough time.” How did we live during all those “long ages” until our villi were invented?

The liver is generally classified with the digestive system, but it accomplishes a wide range of tasks. Aside from your skin, this is the largest gland in your body, and one of the most astonishing structures in your body!

The liver literally performs thousands of different functions! It is amazing how such a small organ can do so many things. Here are a few of its major activities: (1) It is a collection and filtration plant, carefully removing a variety of substances from the blood. (2) Working with waste products and nutrients brought to it in the blood stream, it manufactures literally hundreds upon hundreds of different chemical substances. Among these are bile, glycogen (stored sugar), and blood clotting aids and preventatives. (3) Since it does so much, how can the liver find room to store anything,-yet it does. It is a warehouse and stores iron, vitamins, copper, amino acids, fats, and glycogen. (4) It is a heating plant, producing more heat than anything else in the body except the muscles. (5) It is a waste disposal plant. Like the kidneys, it filters all your blood, removes certain waste products, and sends them off for excretion. Aside from your blood cells, the liver and kidneys are the major detoxification points in your body.
