Spider Sense

Spider Sense

In a thunderstorm you can watch the rain pelting the neighbors’ rooftops, while you sniff the damp dirt, hear the crackling thunder, taste the moist air, and revel in the water running down your face. A simple rain shower can engage all five senses. With each sense we...
Bees Knees

Bees Knees

When bees crawl into pollen-filled blossoms, their breathing apparatus gets all clogged up with pollen. In fact, they can’t even breathe while they are inside gathering their pollen. How do they avoid suffocating? Every bee has a special brush located on its...
Special Bird Tools

Special Bird Tools

Let’s examine two Pacific coast water birds. The Ousel, is a very friendly little bird that lives near mountain streams. It can usually be found where the water is swift-flowing and splashy. This buoyant bird will be floating along, apparently weightless, and...
Fish Goggles and Bifocals

Fish Goggles and Bifocals

Let’s take a quick look at the creatures of nature and see the intelligence and design that they display. Think for a moment of the fish that inhabit the oceans. They are constantly subject to attack from their enemies from above—like the gulls that swoop down...
The Miracle of Rain

The Miracle of Rain

There is extraordinary intelligence and design with regard to the ratio of land and water on earth. One-quarter of the earth’s surface is dry land, and three-quarters is covered with water. In the United States alone we have three and three-quarter million...