Hold your hand out in front of you and look at it. Move the palm up, then down, and around. Then rotate it slowly from one side to the other. There is hardly a movement that you cannot do with it. Notice that those motions involve your forearm and upper arm. From your shoulder down, all the muscles and bones are working together with your hand as it undergoes various movements. Place your left hand on your right hand, as you move the right hand. Feel the bones and muscles beneath the skin responding to the messages sent from your mind. Look at your hand carefully as you move your fingers in every possible way. Do it again, but this time with your other hand on your wrist, and then your forearm. Rotate your hand again, with your other hand on the forearm bones. Feel the radius and ulna bones turning over on one another as you do it.
Now, within your shoes, wiggle your toes.
Stand up and, with your hands on your hips, slowly walk across the room. As you go feel the bones and muscles moving in perfect coordination. Notice how your legs and body do what is needed to keep you balanced as you walk.
What is this amazing machine called the human body! It is astounding!
Your muscles are attached to your bones at exactly the right places where they will give the best leverage. That took thinking! Downstairs in your family workshop, make a couple bones and several muscles, ligaments, tendons, and all the rest, and then figure out the best place to locate the ends of the muscles in order to obtain the best leverage. Oh, you say, you don’t know how to make a muscle! Well, no one else can either. That which intelligent human beings cannot do, random actions of molecules are supposed to have accomplished.

One end of each muscle (the insertion) is attached to a movable bone, the other (the origin) to a less movable one. Muscles are elastic and work in pairs: Most body movements require several pairs of muscles working together. When you bend your elbow (flexion), you can feel the muscle in your upper arm grow hard and thick as the muscle fibers shorten to bring up the forearm. At the same time, the contrasting muscles, those on the back of your upper arm, are lengthened and they pull against the front ones. Now reverse the process (extension) and your arm is extended outward again.
You have two types of muscles: voluntary (skeletal, or straiteal) muscles, and involuntary (smooth) muscles. The voluntary ones change body positions and only work when you want them to; the involuntary work automatically. Work automatically! How can a muscle work “automatically”? Well, they do anyway. These involuntary muscles control motion inside the body, circulate the blood, move food along the digestive tract, make eye adjustments.
Highly-trained scientists and technicians have invented cameras with automatic focus and aperture control. But your eye has always done both functions automatically. Obviously, a highly skilled Person produced that eye. The focusing makes adjustments in the lens system; the aperture determines the size of the hole through which light enters the optical instrument. Yet in your body, it is all done “automatically.” literally thousands upon thousands of other adjustments are also made in your body automatically! Thousands are made each minute in each cell in your body.