Drink them with Thirst

Our father Avrahum is the one who through his own searching and investigating discovered HaShem as the creator of this world. He continued his search to understand what HaShem expected from this world of His. What was the mission of His world? His search yielded that HaShem created this world to be a vehicle by which to give goodness to Man. The mechanism by which the world accomplishes this mission is by allowing Man to give goodness to others. When Man gives goodness to others he emulates HaShem thereby becoming godlike. Once Man becomes godlike he is prepared to accept HaShem’s goodness. Once Avrahum developed this understanding he recognized that it was his obligation to teach his lessons of goodness to the world. In practicing the lessons he learnt, he recognized that the greatest goodness he could give to others was to share with them this very understanding so that they could achieve their mission. This launched Avrahum and his wife Sarah into their lifelong mission of teaching these lessons to others and to giving goodness to others. Avrahum and Sarah’s home became known as the hotel where all visitors were welcome at no cost. At this hotel they provided their guests with food and lodging at the highest quality. Money was not an issue since Avrahum was an extremely wealthy person.

Lot, the nephew of Avrahum and Avrahum. Lot had followed his uncle and aunt wherever they went. Avrahum was clearly close to him and cared for him very much, more than he did for other people.

In this week’s Parsha, Lech lecha, we find the story of a quarrel that broke out between the shepherds of Lot and the shepherds of Avrahum. Avrahum says to Lot; “Let there not be a quarrel between us and between our shepherds because we are men of brotherhood. Behold, the entire land is before us, separate yourself from me. If you go to the left I will be on your right and if you go to the right I will be on your right.” In response to Uncle Avrahum’s suggestion “and Lot lifted his eyes and saw the lush rich plains of the Jordan River before HaShem destroyed it … and Lot chose the entire Jordan Plains and the two of them separated.

Why did Lot not stay with his uncle? He could have responded to Avrahum “Uncle Avrahum, I will see to it that there will be no quarreling. Have no fear, please allow me to continue traveling with you!” The Torah answers this question. “Lot lifted his eyes and saw the lush rich plains…” Lot was attracted by the way of life which Sodom lived. After seeing it and considering it Lot chose the plains and separated from Avrahum. Be mindful that Sodom was a society where narcissism and decadence reigned. Everything Uncle Avrahum stood for was was scorned and vilified by the Sodomic culture.

Evidently, although Lot lived so close to his kind and loving uncle. And his uncle was successfully inspiring thousands of people to join him in his new approach to life. In spite of this, Lot never absorbed those lessons and as soon as he saw an opportunity to go to the lush region of the Jordan he parted ways with Avrahum!

How amazing! Even living close to great people will not produce a great person. If one wishes to become great they must open themselves up and drink their lessons with thirst.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Paysach Diskind